
The Society’s publications are:-

The Bensons: A Victorian Family by Betty Askwith, re-published 1995 by the Society, this charming perceptive book presents an account of the extraordinary life and family of Archbishop Edward White Benson and Minnie Benson. The introduction is by Gwen Watkins, former President of The E. F. Benson Society. The Bensons was first published in 1971 by Chatto & Windus as part of Two Victorian Families. £7.95

Bensoniana I a collection of articles by E. F. Benson. £4.00
Bensoniana II a collection of short stories by E. F. Benson £4.00
Bensoniana III a collection of literary reviews and essays by E.F.Benson £4.00

E.F.Benson & his family and friends by Gwen Watkins, published 2003 by the Society: the collection of our President’s talks to the Society over 15 years: very wide ranging over Benson and his world. £7.95

Mary Benson, a memoir by A.C.Benson: Introduction by Gwen Watkins. Published for the first time from unpublished manuscripts found after Arthur Benson’s death. It shows, beneath the late Victorian style, an interesting and revealing portrait of Mary Benson, rather different from that given by E.F.Benson. Her influence on her children was as strong as that of the Archbishop, Edward White Benson. £9.95

Some Social Criminals a set of short stories by E. F. Benson first published in The Onlooker in 1901. This edition, made possible by the generosity of Aubrey Woods, is dedicated to the memory of Richard Imison. The introduction is by Jack Adrian. £5.50

Dodo 1 to 38 (1985 to 2024) back numbers of the Society’s journal, containing articles about Fred Benson, his life and writings and the family in general.  £4.50

Dodo Index: an index to the Dodo, the E.F.Benson Society’s Journal 1986 – 2020.  An index by subject to the Dodo and Bensonianas 1,2, & 3.   £1

The E.F.Benson Society Guide to Rye: E.F.Benson in Rye and Rye in E.F.Benson £2.00

The E.F.Benson Society’s Map of Tilling: a guide to the houses and businesses mentioned in the Tilling novels. £2.00

All these publications are available from Adams of Rye, 8, High Street, Rye, Sussex. TN31 7JF. To place an order, please contact them by email to or telephone on 01797-223136.

They will provide details of postage and packing and arrange to satisfy your order.